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  • BikeLoud PDX History

  • 2014: A group of Portlander frustrated by the lack of progress in Portland around making bicycling improvements gathered at the SE Lucky Lab. They quickly organized the first protest bike ride and Bike Loud was born. Since that meeting Bike Loud has been fighting for making Portland better for riding a bike.

    2016: BikeLoud organized two human protected bike lanes on Better Naito when the Portland Bureau of Transportation, under pressure from the Business Alliance, was removing the two way bike lane.

    2018: BikeLoud organizes a petition drive, does business organizing, and testifies in support of bike lanes on Hawthorne Boulevard.

    2020: BikeLoud holds a parade and funeral protest over the lack of progress Portland’s the Bike Master Plan.

    2021: BikeLoud forms local chapters, holds policy rides and continues to write numerous letters and testify in support of the best bicycle designs on new infrastructure projects and city policy. See our advocacy letters here.

    2022: BikeLoud PDX officially becomes a 501(c)(3) non-profit with an elected board. Now all donations to BikeLoud PDX are tax deductible!