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  • Contribute to the advocacy trike!

  • We need your help! BikeLoudPDX wants to build an EV Advocacy Trike to help us spread the BikeLoud message of 25% of all trips in Portland by 2030!

    The BikeLoudPDX Trike will get good use at our events, rides, and meetups around Portland to promote bicycle advocacy. We plan to fill the BikeLoudPDX Trike with materials and resources that we know will connect Portlanders with our work. In 2022 we’ve already started tabling at farmers markets and we’re planning some exciting mini-Sunday parkways. Expect to see the BikeLoudPDX Trike at all kinds of events all spring and summer. The BikeLoudPDX Trike will be a visible, approachable presence and a welcome addition to Portland streets!

    Contribute now to do your part to get the BikeLoudPDX Trike on the road! We estimate building, storing, and maintaining the BikeLoudPDX Trike to be a $6,000 project. Please note that since we are still applying for our non profit status these contributions are not tax deductible. The remainder of the money needed for this project will come out of our limited general fund.

    The first 100 donors can choose to have their names on the back of the BikeLoudPDX Trike!

       Go To The Trike Page To Contribute